Bitcoin Cash now has its own Native Bitcoinj Development Branch

All cryptocurrencies need to keep evolving at any given time. On the technical front, that is often easier said than done. Especially newer currencies often have a laundry list of features to implement in the near future. For Bitcoin Cash, things have been advancing rather nicely these past few months. The project now has its own Bitcoinj development branch as well. This is a big development for this alternative version of Bitcoin. For those unaware of what Bitcoinj does, allow us to explain. It is a project best known for being a cornerstone of the Bitcoin ecosystem. In its original state, it was the second Bitcoin implementation and the first to target SPV light wallet functionality. Not everyone wants to run a desktop client or full node on their machine at all times. Moreover, SPV functionality is very important when it comes to mobile cryptocurrency wallets. Most Android wallets make use of Bitcoinj as we speak. Bitcoinj Cash is Open for BusinessWith Bitcoinj Cash, the goal is to unify all forks for BCH. More specifically, a lot of forked versions of this SPV implementation exist. Unifying them all under one banner will make it easier for everyone involved. Moreover, the team hopes to engage more community members to contribute to this particular branch of development. No one can deny Bitcoin Cash has a strong and vibrant community right now. Solutions like these will only improve the overall ecosystem. As a result of this new branch, we will see more mobile wallets support Bitcoinj Cash. Some might even switch over from BTC to BCH full-time. HashEngineering’s Android wallet is switching over to Bitcoinj Cash in the near future. Moreover, the Lighthouse project – which has all but been forgotten – may be revived thanks to this new implementation. Crowdfunding through Bitcoin has always been a great concept. Unfortunately, it also became impossible due to mounting fees and slow transactions. With BCH, this option becomes viable again. It is also important to note this new development branch will not just focus on SPV wallets. Instead, the team wants to expand upon its functionality, although no further details were provided at this point. It all depends on how the community and interested developers respond to this new development. With enough support, Bitcoin Cash may look very different from today. That would be a good sign, mind you, as more functionality can only be considered to be a good thing. Especially when it comes to business-friendly services, there’s always room for future improvements. Bitcoin Cash now has its own Native Bitcoinj Development Branch was last modified: January 16th, 2018 by JP Buntinx